Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Another beautiful day in Elderwood.  Other areas were socked in fog though, so  much so that a few people didn't come to agility classes this morning because they did not want to drive in the zero visibility fog conditions. So classes were small but we got a lot done and everyone was happy to be in the sunshine here.  The afternoon rally class is a big one and everyone showed up for that.  Makes for a lot of distractions for the dogs to work through.

Flint (my only BC)  is not faring well as a demo dog for that class.  He is stressing and not doing what I know he is capable of- what we have been working on.  He is lagging and not focused on me at all - and will only work if I have food in my hand.........sigh.  And I have been working on delayed rewards and he is doing beautifully in other situations.  Does not bode well for the AKC Rally trial in two weeks.  I miss Rita.  Maybe I shouldn't use him as a demo dog - but then how is he ever going to learn to deal with distractions?  Or maybe he is just not going to be an obedience dog.  More sigh..............Maybe I should bring Vino out of retirement - at least as a demo dog.  I miss Rita.

All in all though it was a good day.  I was pretty tired after 4 hours of classes but took the retired gang out for a romp in the pasture.  The sun was just setting and for a few minutes that beautiful light spread across the field, turning the grass that insane green that I love so much.  I do love to see the retired gang looking so good and so happy! 


