Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Temper Tantrums

 Yes, puppies have temper tantrums!  Sunny pitched her first one this morning when I went to towel her off after the mud puddle play.  She just wasn't ready to get cleaned up and was amped.  Too bad, I had other things to do.  She pitched a little fit growling and trying to bite me.  I chuckled under my breath the whole time.  Little dickens!  I just put my thumb in her collar and held her down on her back while I got off all that mud on her belly.  Oh she was pissed off at me.  Then she had to go in her xpen for a couple hours while I worked.  All was fine when she came out again - no grudges :-)  I love that spunk in a puppy.  We are going to get along famously. I think we are a lot alike - two redheads.

She did make me laugh yesterday with all her antics.  It was cloudy and gray yesterday morning (again) and not the best for photography, but I had the camera out anyway.  She is growing so fast I can't wait for good light.  And glad I did.  The mud puddle antics were so funny.  Check out her gallery for more fun pictures  http://stardogs.smugmug.com/My-Dogs/Sunny  I had some time in the afternoon and the sun was out and that made for some better action shots.